Primary: Gridlock brings two choices in her primary guns, the F90 assault rifle or the M249 SAW light machine gun. This is just a superficial look at how her ability works and I will gladly give more tips on how the stingers can be used differently, but the heart of my passion for Gridlock lies within her loadout. The ability is impactful, which is exactly what you want from any operator, giving her an edge in versatility as the spikes can be used to block off your flank from roamers or flushing out defenders from the objective. It’s an odd ability, yet there is a little more depth to it than I personally had thought during her reveal. When a defender walks onto a stinger, they take an initial 10 damage but will only take more if they continue to step through other stringers or back onto the one they first stepped on. Unlike Lesion, however, once placed, the stingers will continue to multiply as each stinger spits out another one of itself until the pattern is complete, as partially pictured below. Gridlock’s gadget is a self deploying trap that is similar (in concept) to Lesion’s Gu needle as a physical obstacle placed by the operator. With her durability as an aforementioned 3 armor, her accommodating weapon selection, and her surprisingly useful gadget, Gridlock has become a staple in my online play and I hope that, with this article, you’ll give her some more thought in your games to come. Gridlock is a character that I did not expect to enjoy when she and her companion Mozzie were released earlier this year, but over the course of this season, I’ve come to hold this 3 armor character in high regard.